Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ
How long have you been teaching?
I started teaching firearms back in 1993 and started Pistol & Rifle Training in 2016.
Where do you teach?
I use the range facilities at Ben Avery Shooting Facility (BASF).
I will come to you and provide training for you or your group within reasonable travel distances and restrictions.
I usually use Practical Pistol Ranges B, E & F for classes.
Do you do custom training?
Yes, I will customize training to fit the needs of the student or the groups goals.
Do you supply or rent guns?
Not usually. I will on prior arrangement allow students to use one of my firearms for the range activities or to test fire a specific gun. They are expected to provide appropriate ammunition. I don’t charge fees for the use but it is by prior arrangement ONLY.
What calibers do you normally work in?
I use safe, plastic training ammunition for students during handling and initial shooting exercises.
I have the following calibers available:
- .22LR
- .380 ACP
- 9MM
- .38 Special
- .45 ACP
- .223/5.56
Students can purchase their own simulated training ammo and bring to class.
I recommend:
- A-Zoom
- ST Action Pro
- Magpul
- Tipton
- Saf-T-Trainers (I use these.)
What forms of payment do you accept?
I can only accept cash. Due to the nature of “Online” classes, I have to have payment in advance for classes.
Why not PayPal/VenMo/etc?
Unfortunately credit card transactions for firearms related activities are unpopular with banking services. Cash apps also have restrictions and charge me fees. If you can only uses a cash app or some other electronic means, please contact me and we can see if some arrangement can be reached.